Angel Numbers are 3 digit numbers that are signs of changes or situations in your life. They are signals from your own personal guardian angels and spirit guides. When you see these numbers, they are telling you about something that may be coming into your life or represent something you need in you life. If you see those series of numbers over and over, you are receiving a message.
If you look up the meaning of each Angel Number, you may get a different interpretation from each place that you research. The meanings may be similar in some ways, but the interpretation can be a little different. Go with your gut and take the meaning as something that applies to your life.
Where can you find Angel Numbers? They are everywhere: receipts, gas pumps, clocks, license plates, phone numbers, dates, lottery…anywhere you find numbers, you can find Angel Numbers.
Personal Number
Keep track of the numbers you see the most and those are most likely your Angel Numbers. If you feel drawn to a specific number, that can also be your Angel Number. It is such a personal experience that it is hard to tell people, this is your Angel Number. I personally love 444 because it is all about protection and being intuitive makes me susceptible to others’ energies – good and bad.
I started making Angel Numbers bracelets in my Etsy Shop so you can wear your number wherever you go. If It’s something you need in your life right now, or a number you connect with, or a number that you have been seeing in your life, you can have that number on wrist all day, every day. If you would like a specific color combination, let me know and I will customize it for you.
I am not an expert on Angel Numbers, but I have been researching them and this is information that I have learned. Please take what you need from this post and if it doesn’t resonate with your beliefs or understandings, that’s okay. This is just my personal interpretation of what I have learned and I hope it helps some of my readers.
What Angel Number do you feel a connection with?