I recently attended a Reiki session. If you don’t know what Reiki is, it is a form of energy healing discovered in Japan in the early 20th century. “Reiki does not flow from your practitioner. Your practitioner is simply a channel through which reiki flows. The source of reiki is the divinity that you find within yourself and around you. This can be your Highest Self, the Universe, God, “all that is” or any higher source you believe in.”

After the Reiki session, the Reiki practitioner sat down with me to discuss the session. One of the first things that she said to me was, “Do you think that you are intuitive?” I always felt that I was, but for someone to ask me that question was eye opening. “As a matter of fact”, I said, “Yes!” She said that I had a lot of intuitive energy going on in my body. Wow!

I always felt that I was intuitive and an empath. Whenever I read explanations of empaths and intuition, I felt myself nodding my head saying…yup that’s me. To have validation of this feeling was an a-ha moment for me. It answered a lot of questions about feelings I have had throughout my life.
- I’ve always needed time by myself to recharge and feel full again. Too much socializing is a trigger for an empath. This may be due to the fact that empaths/those who are intuitive feel the energies of everyone around them so it’s hard to be in a large group, like a party.
- I’ve always felt that I could tell when people were fake or putting out a fake energy. Sometimes others would really like someone and I would think, “There is just something not right about this person.” It might have taken a while, but the true “fakeness” would eventually be uncovered. An intuitive person is known as a human lie detector and I DEFINITELY feel that to my core.
- I’ve always hated having to rush anything. Whether it’s a project, a trip, getting somewhere, eating…I hate being rushed or having to rush. I prefer taking my time and getting things done early or being ready early and waiting.
There are some other things that describe someone who is intuitive, but I feel that these are my definite top 3. I also sometimes have those “gut feelings” about things and more times than not, I am correct. Now that I know this is part of my being, I can strengthen my intuition with different exercises and incorporating some routines into my daily life.

Do you feel that you are intuitive?