I am so very excited because I did a thing that I wasn’t even planning on doing for quite a while. I made a deck of oracle cards! You may ask, “What are oracle cards?” The answer is quite simple. They are cards that are used to support self-love, inner beauty and emotional well-being. There are all different types of oracle cards with thousands of different themes.

I saw on Instagram that someone had a course to teach people how to make their own oracle cards. I’m not sure if included printing them, but it piqued my interest. I saved that post many months ago. A similar ad kept coming up in my feed and I thought, “Do I really need a course to teach me how to make these cards?” I did a little research and found a DIY oracle card template on Etsy…I was on my way.
I had some good ideas about the theme of the cards and what I wanted to convey. Since I started this new blog, I felt that the messages should be cohesive. My Etsy store carries handmade mala/meditation beads so I wanted it all to flow together. I decided to rename my Etsy store so that everything was connected.
Now my Etsy store, my blog and my cards all have the same title: SandLoveSaltYoga. I am thrilled to tie them all together and my tagline is…Feel Connected. I still need to decide how I will print the cards, but the template is done and I couldn’t be happier about it. The cards will be available through the link to my Etsy store once they are available.
Do you use oracle cards?
These cards sound like a great idea. I need to explore them more.
You will love them! Choose a theme that speaks to you.
Congrats! Thats amazing you made your own oracle cards! I use them often 🙂
That is awesome!
I’ve never actually heard of Oracle Cards before, but they sound intriguing! I would love to do something similar with verses or quotes that are helpful in a variety of situations. You never know how something might speak to you in a particular situation!
That is exactly what they are…you can make them any way that suits your needs:)
Congratulations on creating your own deck of oracle cards! It’s wonderful to see how you’ve connected your blog, Etsy store, and cards under one cohesive title. Your passion for self-love, inner beauty, and emotional well-being shines through. I’m excited to see your cards and explore your Etsy store. Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much Monidipa! You made my day:)
I’ve never heard of these either. I will check them out!
So interesting! Love that you are on Etsy, so fun!
definitely need to try using these to make affirmation cards or something similar.. thanks for the information on them
This is interesting and awesome! I would really love to try this can’t wait to check this out
I’ve never used them before, but congrats on creating your own oracle cards! That’s awesome!
I would have to explore this great idea. And see how difficult it would be to make affirmation cards or something in that nature. Thanks for sharing
This sounds interesting and I would so love to learn more! Congrats to you!