Introvert moments are numerous lately. Is it because I recently had a birthday and don’t like that the years are passing by? I don’t know if it’s part of peri-menopause…yuck!! I don’t know if it’s I’m just getting too old for the drama that social events bring out. Anyway…I’ve just not wanted to do things outside the house and feel a lot more comfortable recharging with alone time. Many people view introversion as one thing, when in reality, it is something quite different. Something extroverts don’t even think about when judging (yes…judging) introverts.
I feel that people who don’t know me probably think that I am unfriendly. That is not true. I am actually a caring, funny, empathetic person to those who take the time to get to know me. Starting conversations and keeping them going doesn’t come easily to everyone. I wish that everyone knew that. It takes a lot of energy for an introvert to go into a situation where they don’t know anyone or where they only have a passing acquaintance with most of the people in attendance.
The more people who are around me who are either drama queens, fake or self-centered, the more my battery is drained. When I am around good friends and family, I am fine. I’m even fine when I don’t know anyone at all. I’d say that I am even more comfortable when I don’t know anyone then when I am around the first group of people I described. When I am at home alone or with my family, my battery is recharged. Sometimes, however, it makes it harder to go out into the unfamiliar social world because I don’t want to leave my safe nest.
I have come to an age where I try not to let the judgers bother me. It is, however, work on a daily basis. I feel that as long as I am happy, that is the most important thing. Over the last 15 years, I have made friends with people who I thought were going to be close, forever friends and they ended up jumping the friend-ship for various reasons. I realize that it is due to baggage that they carry and that I’m not the only one that they left in the dust. The realization hit me that a few true friends is better than having a lot of friends & acquaintances on my Facebook page. One of my favorite quotes is:
Have you had an introvert moments lately? How do you feel about unfamiliar social situations?